Burgandy gear that says "Nerd Girl Industries."
About Nerd Girl Industries

I’ve managed and curated social media, answered tech questions, taught information classes, as well as maintaining and updating websites for over 20 years.

Regardless of where I’m working (and I’ve worked in a lot of industries), the same issues kept coming up:

  • Not enough time to create and post content on newsletters, blogs, and social media
  • Having lots of questions on technology but not finding the answers
  • Owning a new device but not sure how to use it
  • Needs help researching topics for content creation

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

I created NGI to address those problems and more.

Whether you live in N. Michigan or in Vancouver, Canada, I can help you with your content, website, and social media needs!

Lisarabey Authorphoto


I live in the Midwest with my husband (who I sometimes like) and our persnickety pug, Thursday. I spend too much time watching trashy TV and reading heaving bosom books. I have a Jane Austen empire. I hate leg day. My favorite meal is nachos followed or a rueben sandwich. Actually, I’m a big fan of all kinds of food. It’s blasphemous to say, but my favorite Elizabeth Bennet is Keira Knightley. I’m currently obsessing over Bridgerton. I support Nottingham Forest FC. You can find my personal accounts at @heroineinabook.